Research stay of Nina

Our group member, Nina Troppmair, is currently on a one-month research stay in the lab of Mary Teruel within the Department of Biochemistry at Weill Cornell Medicine. We are cooperating in a project focused on elucidating the role of sphingolipid synthesis in the differentiation of stem cells to adipocytes. Together with Sanjeev Sharma, Nina is conducting perturbation studies and determining the endogenous levels of various proteins, including the main transcription factor driving adipogenesis. The expertise of Mary Teruel’s group in adipogenesis, coupled with their proficiency in immunostaining and fluorescence microscopy, perfectly complements the lipidomic and proteomic analyses performed at our lab in Vienna. Our gratitude goes to the DoSChem for supporting Nina’s visit through the International Exchange Program, and especially to Mary, Sanjeev, and the entire lab for their warm welcome and great assistance during Nina’s stay.

MassSpec-Forum2024: Workshop – Lipidomics-LIFS Bioinformatics Training

The MassSpec-Forum Vienna 2024 kicked off on Wednesday, February 21st, with a morning dedicated to insightful workshops. 

The Workshop 3 on Lipidomics-LIFS Bioinformatics Training, was conducted by Dominik Kopczynski, Nils Hoffmann, and Robert Ahrends from the University of Vienna. The session, held in parallel with other workshops, focused on the intricacies of lipidomics and the application of bioinformatics tools, specifically utilizing the Lipidomics-LIFS platform. Attendees delved into advanced techniques and methodologies, gaining hands-on experience in deciphering lipid data.

This workshop not only provided a unique learning opportunity, but also showcased the commitment of MassSpec-Forum Vienna 2024 to cover diverse aspects of mass spectrometry, ensuring participants received a comprehensive education in this dynamic field. The event’s emphasis on practical training and engagement set a tone for the subsequent days of the conference.

Photos by David Loibnegger and Claude Molitor

68th Annual GTH Meeting 2024

The 68th Annual Meeting of the GTH 2024 took place from February 27 to March 01 in Vienna under the theme “Building Bridges in Coagulation.”

The conference venue was the Hofburg, beautifully arranged for the occasion. The central focus of the conference was on thrombosis and hemostasis (GTH).

The talks featured a combination of invited international speakers, primarily doctors engaged in research presenting study results and updates on ongoing research, and young researchers, mainly PhDs in the medical field aspiring to become doctors. Also Bianca de Jonckheere, the PhD in the working group Lipidomics at the University of Vienna, presented her Megakaryocytes Project. Additionally, there were symposia from industry partners interspersed throughout the conference.

During breaks, attendees could enjoy snacks and coffee in the Vendor Hall, where a noticeable emphasis on sustainability was observed. Recyclable materials were used. The networking dinner kicked off with a champagne reception, followed by a one-hour exploration of the Weltmuseum and concluded with a meal accompanied by a dance performance reminiscent of a classical Viennese ball.

Pic by Robert Ahrends